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Make work more Meaningful through employee giving

Effectively engage employees by empowering them to make an impact together.

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Two employees celebrating
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Join Top Companies in Giving Back Better

"The team behind MeaningfulWork is a big part of why this platform is so fantastic. Their passion and drive to truly help their customers succeed and volunteer with the organizations on the platform are amazing."

Sally Noble
Culture and Communications at Groundswell Cloud Solutions

Photo of children at a graduation ceremony for a cooking program.

"Working with a corporate team was amazing! They helped us create a framework to measure the results of our non-profit educational programs."

Yarani Sandoval
Co-Founder & CEO, Women Palante

"We've recruited 2 board members through the platform! Partnering with MeaningfulWork was an amazing reminder about how “meaningful” our work truly is."

Rochelle Prasad
Founder, SPARK Foundation

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Employee Giving

How it Works

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Employee Giving

Community Engagement

Employee giving programs enable companies to connect with the communities where they operate. By supporting local projects and community initiatives, companies can have a direct and positive impact on the areas where their employees live and work. This strengthens community ties and a lead to a better understanding of the needs and challenges in the local area.


Employee giving programs can help attract and retain talent. Prospective employees are increasingly looking for organizations that are not only financially rewarding but also socially responsible. Employees are more likely to stay with a company that supports causes they care about, since they can visualize their impact beyond the workplace.


Supporting employee giving initiatives demonstrates a commitment to upholding corporate social responsibility. This can boost morale, job satisfaction, and engagement. Employees often take pride in working for a socially responsible organization, which can lead to increased loyalty and a positive company culture.


Engaging in employee giving programs can help build and maintain a positive corporate image and reputation. Companies that actively participate in charitable activities are seen as good corporate citizens and are often more attractive to customers, partners, and potential employees.

How it Works

Strong Culture, Stronger Communities

We do the heavy-lifting so that you can focus on connecting with your team and giving back. We've partnered with over 200+ vetted charity and nonprofit organizations to help you create the change you want to see.

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An impactful experience for every occasion

Ready to give it a try?

Nonprofits everywhere are struggling to find volunteers. Your team can make a difference. We invite you to take the next step to build a giving culture.
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